Experiencing poor internet quality?

Measure your d*mn internet

Install the durid client on any computer, Raspberry Pi, server, firewall, router, smart car, power station, drilling rig, satellite, container, smart toaster, or just about anywhere you want to measure internet connectivity.

The client measures network health metrics like latency, packet loss, jitter, trace route, and speeds.

View all of your metrics in pretty dashboards. Get notified if you disconnect or experience slow speeds, and you can export all this data if you need to chat with your ISP about issues.

Business Account?

Need to measure performance for more than a single endpoint?
Check out Durid Orgs

Searching For Pricing & Availability?

As users share their ISP details,
we anonymize and open source all the pricing, availability, and performance data so you're able to see the providers around you and how their service performs in real time.

how durid works

After registering, define your own measurement targets and the client will begin to test performance and report results to your dashboard

All of your performance metrics can be found in the dashboard.
- Target latency
- Speed tests
- HTTP response time
- Packet loss
- Traceroute paths & changes

Install the client as a service that runs in the background on your machine.

The client will update it's configuration in real-time as you make changes to your measurement targets.
You can also update the client to the latest version via the dashboard for easy patching.

Create up to 5 targets to measure performance against in your settings.
Customize how you measure and enable features like HTTP Ping & Traceroute for more data.

Should you choose, the client can measure latency, loss, HTTP response, speeds, jitter, and traceroute to each of your targets.

Receive email notifications for events like downtime, slow speeds, packet loss, and jitter.

how to get started

It's easy to get rolling. Simply register within the app and add your profile data.